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Training in « French as a Foreign Language » for foreign expats

French as a Foreign Language lessons in Montpellier and in France, face-to-face or remote course via videoconference

French as a Foreign Language courses for non-French speaking company employees, private individuals and students.

Are you Italian, Spanish, German, Swedish, American, Brazilian…
coming to live in France?
Is your company offering you a position in France? A professional opportunity and expat experience that you decide to seize. “I know don’t speak much French, but I’ll be fine with English” Are you sure?

Beyond professional life, knowing how to speak the language of your host country is essential to integrate and really live your expatriate experience on a daily basis.

This is why LDS, located in Montpellier and active throughout France, creates tailor-made training programs in French as a foreign language for expats and their spouses who settle in France temporarily or permanently for professional or personal reasons.

Our French training courses are aimed at company employees and private individuals.

Overcome the language barrier to optimize your professional and personal integration with French as a foreign language course

What are the main problems faced by our foreign expats?

  • I can’t express myself properly, I can’t find the exact words I need: It’s frustrating.
  • I have a very strong accent, which sometimes makes me hard to understand.
  • I make mistakes in French, which can lead to annoying misunderstandings.
  • I don’t have the professional vocabulary in French that I need to work with my colleagues, clients and partners  
  • I can’t communicate with my children’s teachers,
  • I can’t describe my symptoms to a doctor… nor can I describe my car’s problems to a garage!
  • I am so anxious that I don’t even want to say a few words in French in the shops in my neighbourhood or with my neighbours … because I wouldn’t be able to answer them if they then started a conversation!
  • I can’t contact customer service by phone.
  • I would like to join a local association or club to meet people but I don’t feel like I could blend in.

All these obstacles are easy to overcome in a few months, at your own pace, according to your availability. Our French foreign language courses are provided by professional trainers. Your trainer will also be best placed to guide you through the cultural differences between France and your country of origin.

What is customised training in French as a foreign language at LDS?

The challenge of learning French as a Foreign Language is not necessarily to become fully bilingual in French but to facilitate your professional and social integration, and to contribute to making your expatriate experience fulfilling and rewarding.
Depending on your objectives and your level in French, we design a tailor-made and 100% personalised learning module in French as a foreign language, whether it is to progress in professional French or in social French.

Personalised training in French as a foreign language at LDS is:

1 – Selection of the French Foreign language trainer

We select the French Foreign language trainer, who is most adapted to your situation.
A relationship of trust is established between the trainee and their trainer. A trainer is assigned for the duration of the training with an objective of educational coherence and synergy

2 – A fully tailor-made French as a foreign language curriculum and educational content

Formation visio en langues etrangeres LDS Langues
Formation visio en langues etrangeres LDS Langues
  • A completely tailor-made program, based on your initial assessment (an interview with an assessment professional and not an online test) and your profile. A tailor-made educational human centred approach, considering your profile and your objectives.
  • In individual classes, our French as a foreign language trainers are dedicated to helping you feel at ease and using French language learning methods and techniques that are adapted to your needs
  • We offer French courses for expats, including vocabulary, grammar, conjugation and pronunciation exercises, expressions, role plays, simulations, fun activities… to acquire linguistic and cultural know how.
  • For us, relationships, personalisation and professionalism are the guarantees of the success of your training in French as a foreign language.
  • So, we put you at the centre of our teaching approach by taking the time it takes to get to know you, understand you and adapt our training service to your profile, your results objectives and your constraints.
  • Learning a language must be a pleasure to become proficient; your trainer will be keen to establish a relationship of trust with you. They will strive to make your training sessions pleasant and conducive to your learning.

3 – French as a foreign language: training formats best suited to your needs

  • Face-to-face or remote course via videoconference
  • Face-to-face and videoconference mix
  • Individual lessons: for private individuals and companies
  • Group courses: Training in intra-company group courses
  • Hybrid learning to accelerate the pace of progress: sessions in French with a trainer, enriched with our digital learning platform with an adaptive digital learning module and an online small group classroom module.
  • Intensive courses and immersion training to progress in French in record time with learning content totally adapted to your challenges.

4 – Start and schedule your training when you want, when you can!

FLEXIFIRST test lds formation langue des signes

The scheduling of your training course in French as a foreign language will be made with you according to your wishes and your constraints: It is you who chooses your training schedule.
This is our FlexiFirst commitment: We adapt your training schedule to your constraints and not the other way around

5 – An adjustable budget; training in French as a foreign language is eligible for the CPF

  • The budget of your training in French as a foreign language will be fully adjustable and customized according to your requirements and those of your company (ie. training rights funded by an OPCO)
  • LDS is Qualiopi certified. At the end of the French training course, you will receive a certificate. The French as a foreign language training is eligible for the CPF if you benefit from it.
  • LDS is a DALF and DELF approved centre. We will prepare you for these exams which are recognized throughout Europe according to the official CECRL scale.

6 – Excellent educational and administrative service

LDS assigns an educational and administrative coordinator, a single contact who coordinates your training experience from A to Z and who is attentive to the trainee and the HR or training manager, via a relationship of proximity and responsiveness.

The quality of our foreign language training courses recognized by our trainees

(18,40 / 20): this is the overall score for our language training by our trainees in 2023

LDS Langues performances pedagogiques remarquables
LDS Langues performances pedagogiques remarquables

At the end of their training, we invite our trainees to fill out a quality questionnaire on:  

  • the quality of the reception of the teaching and administrative team
  • the quality of the trainer’s teaching approach
  • satisfaction of their expectations
  • the training in its entirety

(18,40 / 20): this is the overall score for our language training by our trainees in 2023

Because the phone is still the best way to communicate… Call us!
+33 (0)4 67 64 42 02
(we speak english, german, spanish,…)

They trust us!

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Bouygues Construction est client de LDS Langues Montpellier
Bouygues Construction
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Parnasse by orange
Septeo est client de LDS Langues Montpellier
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Serge Ferrari
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